Dear Members of the Community of Our University,
On 23 April 2024, I was elected the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, winning 232 votes out of the 295 valid votes cast by the Electors. I would like to thank you immensely for the many words of encouragement and the nomination of my candidacy by the University Council and many Electors, followed by such tremendous support. I will have the honour of developing Our Silesian University of Technology together with you for the years to come.
My decision to apply for this honourable position was preceded by deep reflection. I have been dedicated to the Silesian University of Technology all my professional life. From 2006 to 2016, as deputy director of the Institute of Automatic Control, I was responsible for teaching affairs and modernising education; I also took over the management of two merged groups, later transformed into a department. Since 2016, I have held the position of Vice Rector for Science and Development, which I have tried to fulfill with total commitment, integrity and honesty, ensuring that our University flourishes. Our Alma Mater has become my professional home, a special place through which I have been able to develop myself, but also in the development of which I have been able to participate and co-create. I proudly represented the Silesian University of Technology in many regional, national and international bodies, leading some of them.
I have gained knowledge and experience, which I use to introduce many programmes at our University, not limited to scientific matters, but widely serving Employees, Doctoral Students and Students, cooperating with many collegiate bodies and individuals. One of them, the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme, was recently given a very favourable opinion by the International Panel of Experts in its mid-term evaluation summary report, appreciating in particular its originality, the way it is managed, its universality and breadth, and the tremendous progress we have made over the years.
I know that the Rector is responsible for all areas of the University and I am ready to take on this responsibility as I have excellent Coworkers around me. I would like to offer my dedication, creativity, diligence, experience, credibility and courage to our Community for years to come. I am aware of the responsibility for People who have associated an important part of their lives with our University.
Thanks to the efforts of generations, the Silesian University of Technology is one of the country's leading universities. Still, we rightly expect more. We have to meet numerous current and future challenges. I realise that some solutions need to be improved. I will have the courage to do so, respecting the achievements to date. I will look at the various areas of the University's operation, listen to all opinions and, through discussion, without overlooking any group, we will prudently work out the best solutions. We will be able to withdraw from those that do not work. I want us all to feel a shared responsibility for our Silesian University of Technology.
Revolutions, dictated mainly by the sheer desire for change, experimentation not backed up by experience, create chaos and do not serve the University. I think that we all value stability and, at the same time, have an ambition for continuous improvement.
We want to be proud of the achievements of individuals and of the University as a whole. The reforms being introduced must not be at anyone's expense. I think that by heading many committees, teams and tasks, I have shown what values I hold, how I collaborate, discuss and have proven that I like challenges, set bold goals, but at the same time respect every opinion, am reliable, predictable, open and effectively mediate.
I have never spoken critically of our University or tarnished its good name. I believe that dialogue and participation can be ensured regardless of the provisions of laws or other regulations. I see close cooperation with the Trade Unions, the Student Council and the Doctoral Student Council as fundamental.
A university should fulfil three missions, which are education, research and measures for society and the economy. In my view, they are equally important. This is the direction we took when defining and implementing the Excellence Initiative - Research University (IDUB), and EURECA-PRO European University programmes. I want to implement them harmoniously and ensure the conditions for their continuation in future editions, bearing in mind that the sustainability of our University is very important. We will strive to continuously improve the working and educational conditions by modernising the infrastructure, improving the organisational culture, creating a friendly and creative atmosphere conducive to the dynamic development of individual careers. Following the example of IDUB, EURECA-PRO and PO WER projects, I will push for all programmes that support the improvement of the quality of research and education, also increasing the financial satisfaction of those involved. We will create conditions for young, talented and ambitious people to choose the Silesian University of Technology as the place to build their future.
I know the realities of the University and, respecting our Community, I do not make empty promises. I do, however, pledge to reach for bold goals, as was the case with IDUB, the acquisition of which many did not believe. I believe that I am prepared to lead our University in an era of strong national and international competition, a range of expected and unexpected challenges, taking advantage of every opportunity that is good for our Community. My programme addresses in detail many of the key issues affecting the functioning of the University. It sets out the necessary objectives and proposed methods for achieving them. I am open to its continuous enrichment. I also discuss the programmes Excellence Initiative - Research University, EURECA-PRO European University, European City of Science Katowice 2024 and selected development projects, in which I am strongly involved and which play a special role for our University.
I declare that in all my actions I will be guided by concern for Our Silesian University of Technology - our common and Everyone's good, I will represent It with dignity, guard against any form of discrimination, inequality, mobbing and violation of ethical principles, and defend Its values and autonomy.
Thank You very much for Your confidence.
Best regards,
Marek Pawełczyk